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2025-01-21 20:04:03

I'm not the one

User: Oxikai

2025-01-06 20:05:02


ik plumbers HATE to see me comin

User: Oxikai

2024-07-27 12:20:16

You know it

User: Oxikai

2024-05-12 01:05:36

"Big" Update

We cleaned up some visual glitches around the site.

You can also upload multiple files to add to posts, yay!

User: Gizzard Wizzard Official

2024-05-12 01:01:12

All Main PCR's

User: Oxikai

2024-05-02 02:40:42

Delicious Sandooowich

Sometimes, you gotta try something in a different way

User: Oxikai

2024-04-17 17:51:10

Big News!

Good Morrow!

We've thought about this for a while, and we feel that it's finally time to re-brand our site!
At first, this started as a almost rip-off side project of another popular website. But now pur passion has grown enough to reach our own identity in our little corner of the world-wide-web

What Does This Mean?
Have no fear! Everything will remain roughly the same more or less, we'll just change some of the esthetics on the site, and change around a few words and images, small things like that

User: Gizzard Wizzard Official

2024-04-14 23:51:34


User: autocorreckt

2024-04-14 01:29:27


Gizzard lizzard wizzard schnizzard

Photo Taken: 2024-04-14

User: Oxikai

2024-04-13 00:57:30

Amazing Songsssszzz


User: Oxikai

2024-04-13 00:55:29

Amazing Songs


User: Oxikai

2024-04-10 22:24:39

Dream Cat?

Don't you want a cat that looks like it could beat you up and give you a swirly?

User: Oxikai

Top Videos


vid test-1

this description is one of the best descriptions ever made

βœ– 0

User: test


The Big Boi test 3

Third test, lets see if the video will upload

βœ– 0

User: test



look at him go!

βœ– 0

User: yomama1977


Memes Boi

Good memories

βœ– 0

User: Oxikai


Trailer Park Boys

Cyrus from Trailer Park Boys ridiculous edit

βœ– 0

User: autocorreckt


Chicken Dance

Idk man, it's the chicken dance

βœ– 0

User: Oxikai